Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mondays are Crazy

So today is Monday- blah! but me and geli went to go play tennis(even though we suck at tennis) we had fun! And right now we r directing a play, even though we r the main actresses (but who cares). Right now we have 2 people as our audience (woo hoo!), well i actually made a mistake its not a play, its a really short musical but it has at least 6 songs (i think). Any way the bright side of this whole week is no school YAAAAAAY! Also today after the MUSICAL planning, we r planting many types of flowers in geli's soon-to-be-filled-with-flowers garden, we were gonna do it yesterday but instead we had a lemonade stand which was fun cause we got $$$, but we will get back to u when we r done planting and tell u if they look good which they probably will duh (hopefully).

we heart u guys,

gEli and rAV

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